Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Is the Death Penalty a Deterrent? Essay

No other topic in the field of corrections receives more attention than the death penalty (del Carmen). The United States is one of the few democracies in the world that still imposes a punishment of death, much due to the strength of public opinion. Since 1936, the Gallup Poll revealed only one year (1966) in which a minority of the population favored capital punishment, with only 45 percent support. Support has remained fairly constant at around 70 percent through the year 2000 (National Opinion Research Center). Many supporters’ arguments for the death penalty derive from the deterrence hypothesis, which suggests that in order to encourage potential murderers to avoid engaging in criminal homicide, society needs capital punishment. In other words, â€Å"states with the death penalty should have lower homicide rates than states without the death penalty† (Void, Bernard, and Snipes 201). In 2000, 42 percent of the United States population felt the death penalty acts as a deterrent to other potential murderers (National Opinion Research Center). Scholars have long believed that if the public were more knowledgeable on the death penalty and its effects, support would not be so high (Shelden). Former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, in his concurring opinion in the case of Furman v. Georgia (1972), stated that American citizens know almost nothing about capital punishment. Further, in what has become known as the â€Å"Marshall Hypothesis,† he stated that â€Å"the average citizen† who knows â€Å"all the facts presently available regarding capital punishment would†¦ find it shocking to his conscience and sense of justice† (Walker, Spohn, and DeLone 230). For example, a Gallup poll was given asking whether respondents supported the death penalty, then asked if they would support it if there were proof that the deterrence theory was incorrect. Twenty-four percent of the respondents showed a change in their support of capital punishment (Radelet and Akers). Background Capital punishment in the United States has gone though periods in which most states either abolished it altogether or never used it, and periods in which it was commonly used (Shelden). The landmark Supreme Court decisions of Furman v. Georgia (1972) and Gregg v. Georgia (1976) rekindled the longstanding controversy surrounding capital punishment (Shelden). In Furman v. Georgia, the Court found that the death penalty, as it was currently being administered, constituted â€Å"cruel and unusual punishments†, in violation of the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. This decision suspended all capital punishment in the United States, however, left leeway for states to revise their current practices. Appeals began flowing through the Court and within four years of Furman, the Court made perhaps its most significant ruling on the matter (Shelden). In the case of Gregg v. Georgia (1976), the Court ruled, â€Å"A punishment must not be excessive, but this does not mean that the states must seek the minimal standards available. The imposition of the death penalty for the crime of murder does not violate the Constitution. † The moratorium was lifted and a path cleared for the first execution to take place in ten years. After a de facto abolition of capital punishment, it was reinstated in 1977 with the execution of Gary Gilmore by a firing squad in Utah (Shelden). Currently, 38 states, the federal government, and the United States military continue to execute those convicted of capital murder. Illinois and Maryland have moratoriums placed on the death penalty in their jurisdictions (Death Penalty Information Center). As recent as 2000, a number of jurisdictions in the United States have questioned the fairness and effectiveness of the death penalty. For instance, in January of 2000, Governor George Ryan of Illinois declared a moratorium on all executions after the state had released thirteen innocent inmates from death row in the same time it had executed twelve. Ryan then appointed a blue-ribbon Commission on Capital Punishment to study the issue in greater detail. On January 10, 2003, Ryan pardoned four death row inmates after lengthy investigations revealing abuse of defendants’ rights, including torture during interrogation (Death Penalty Information Center). The following day (also his last day in office) Ryan granted clemency to all of the remaining 156 death row inmates in Illinois, as a result of the flawed process that led to these sentences. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, â€Å"Ryan’s decision to grant today’s commutations reflects his concern that Illinois’ death penalty system lacked uniform standards designed to avoid arbitrary and inappropriate death sentences. † It should be noted that the 156 clemencies did not result in the release of the inmates, since many still face life in prison. Deterrence Theory According to Siegel, deterrence is defined as â€Å"the act of preventing a crime before it occurs by means of the threat of criminal sanctions; deterrence involves the perception that the pain of apprehension and punishment outweighs any chances of criminal gain or profit† (616). The theory of deterrence stemmed from the work of Cesare Beccaria, who has been known as â€Å"the leader of the classical school of thought† (del Carmen 21). Beccaria received a degree from the University of Pavia in Italy in 1758. Upon graduating, he embarked on working as a mathematician, but soon became interested in politics and economics. Beccaria met regularly with Allessandro Verri, an official of the prison in Milan, and his brother Pietro Verri, an economist, in a group of young men who met to discuss philosophical and literary topics (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). In March 1763, Beccaria was given the responsibility of writing an essay on the topic of penology. With little knowledge in the field, he went to the Verri brothers for assistance and drafted the essay. In 1764, his influential essay, On Crimes and Punishments was published (del Carmen). He listed ten principles proposing various reforms to make criminal justice practices more logical and rational (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). Becarria’s work is known to be one of the first wails for reform in the treatment of criminals. His concept that â€Å"the punishment should fit the crime,† was a major contribution to the classical school of thought. Beccaria felt severe punishment was not necessary and the only reason to punish was to assure the continuance of society and to deter others from committing crimes. Further, deterrence stemmed from appropriate, prompt, and inevitable punishment, rather than severe punishment. Regarding the death penalty, Beccaria believed it did not deter others and was an act of brutality and violence by the state (del Carmen). Finally, in one of Beccaria’s ten recommendations he argued that punishments that include excessive severity not only fail to deter crime, but actually increase it (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). The theory of deterrence was neglected for about a century. Then, in 1968, criminologists sparked an emergence of interest when Jack P. Gibbs published the first study that attempted to test the deterrence hypothesis (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). The certainty of punishment was defined, by Gibbs, as the ratio between the number of prisoners admitted for a given year and the number of crimes known to police in the prior year. Gibbs defined severity of punishment as the mean number of months served by all persons convicted of a given crime who were in prison in that year. His research found that greater certainty and severity were associated with fewer homicides for the year 1960. Gibbs concluded that both certainty and severity of imprisonment might deter homicide. Charles R. Tittle analyzed similar statistics regarding certainty and severity of punishment for the seven â€Å"index offenses† in the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). Tittle concluded that the certainty of imprisonment deters crime, but that severity only deters crime when certainty is quite high (Void, Bernard, and Snipes). In 1978, the National Academy of Sciences produced a report that concentrated on previous deterrence research and found that more evidence favored a deterrent effect than evidence that was against it. Void, Bernard, and Snipes stated that the deterrent effectiveness of the death penalty is probably the single most researched topic in the area of criminology. In 1998, Daniel Nagin reviewed studies of deterrence and argued that deterrence research has evolved into three types of literature. Of the three, one of these types identified examines criminal justice policies in varying jurisdictions and the crime rate affiliated with the policies to determine if there is a deterrent effect. Void, Bernard, and Snipes recognized that a large number of studies have been conducted regarding this issue; however the results have been inconclusive. For example, the deterrence hypothesis implies that death penalty states should have lower homicide rates than states without the death penalty. As Gibbs and Tittle’s research showed, however, death penalty states have considerably higher murder rates than non-death penalty states. Void, Bernard, and Snipes conclude that, more than likely, this results from states implementing the death penalty due to higher murder rates. Radelet and Akers state that because of little empirical support for general deterrence and the death penalty, most criminologists have concluded that capital punishment does not reduce crime. Furthermore, several researchers have found that the death penalty actually increases homicides (Bailey). Thorsten Sellin, one of the leading authorities on capital punishment, has suggested that if the death penalty deters prospective murderers, the following hypothesis should be true: (a) Murders should be less frequent in states that have the death penalty than in those that have abolished it, other factors being equal. Comparisons of this nature must be made among states that are as alike as possible in all other respects – character of population, social and economic condition, etc. – in order not to introduce factors known to influence murder rates in a serious manner but presently in only one of these states. (b) Murders should increase when the death penalty is abolished and should decline when it is restored. (c) The deterrent effect should be greatest and should therefore affect murder rates most powerfully in those communities where the crime occurred and its consequences are most strongly brought home to the population. (d) Law enforcement officers would be safer from murderous attacks in states that have the death penalty than in those without it. Sellin’s research indicates that not one of these conjectures is true. Further, his statistics illustrate that there is no correlation between the murder rate and the presence or absence of capital crimes. For example, Sellin compares states with similar characteristics and finds that regardless of the state’s position on capital punishment, they have similar murder rates. Finally, Sellin’s study concluded that abolition and/or reintroduction of the death penalty had no significance on the homicide rates of the various states involved. Summary The death penalty has long been one of the most debated issues in the American justice system. Most advocates claim that the punishment protects society by deterring murderers from repeatedly committing their crimes. Additionally, proponents proclaim that criminals have a better chance of choosing not to commit murder if the death penalty is a possible sanction. On the other end, opponents of the death penalty argue that no study has convincingly shown enough evidence of such a deterrent effect. In fact, they argue that most studies have not only shown the lack of a deterrent effect, but have conversely suggested that punishment by death might even have a brutalization effect. In other words, they suggest that criminal executions brutalize society by legitimating the killing of human beings, which ultimately leads to an increase in the rates of criminal homicide. Deterrence basically refers to the ideology that punishing persons who commit crime prevents other similarly disposed individuals from doing so. There are two existing types of deterrence, specific and general. Death penalty proponents argue for the importance of specific deterrence and its preventive effect in protecting society from a second crime from the same offender, who could easily evade or be released while imprisoned. In other words, this simply means that the death penalty takes away the opportunity for the offender to commit murder again. This type of deterrence obviously only deters the concerned offender. In this case, it is certain that punishment by death acts as a specific deterrent in 100% of the cases since a deceased offender will never have the opportunity to recidivate. As for general deterrence, it assumes that the thought of the death penalty as a potential cost of offending acts as a form of dissuasion. It is believed that punishment by death is considered by offenders when they are committing their acts, which would then convince them to not act and therefore result in a lesser probability of them committing their crimes. Additionally, proponents of the death penalty argue that such a punishment is the only solution to deter imprisoned offenders from killing other inmates or guardians while incarcerated. Without the death penalty as a possible sanction, a murderer incarcerated for life would not have anything to lose by killing again.With the death penalty as a possibility, the inmate has his life to lose. Works Cited Bailey, William C. â€Å"Deterrence, Brutalization, and the Death Penalty. † Criminology 36. 4 (1998): 711-33. Cockburn, Alexander. â€Å"Hate Versus Death. † Nation 272, 10 (2001): 9-11. Death Penalty Information Center. What’s New, 2008 del Carmen, Alejandro. Corrections. Madison, Wise: Coursewise Publishing, 2000 Chiricos, Theodore G. and Gordon P. Waldo. â€Å"Punishment and Crime: An Examination of Some Empirical Evidence. † Social Forces 18. 2 (1970): 200-17.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Describe Place

Kelas Reguler Pagi dan Sore Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris I Dosen : Restu Arini, S. Pd. Prodi : Semua Prodi Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 19 Nopember 2012 (Reg Sore) Selasa, 20 Nopember 2012 (Reg Pagi) Sifat : Take-Home Test Read the instruction carefully You are going to make video on your oral performance for Mid Test Project. The videos are based on the four topics we have discussed in classroom meeting (see the explanation in the box). The video can be made by using any recording media such as hand phone, handy cam, camera, etc which then should be compiled in one CD.You have got about 3 to 10 minutes to present each topic. Label your CD with your name, student number, and major. You are to submit the CD on the exam date. Read the explanation below of how you make t his project: Topic 1 : Introducing Yourself You must introduce yourself by mentioning the following things in your video; Introduce Your Name/Surname; describe Your Education Background; describe Your Competency; Describe Your Prospective Career; Describe Your Hobby, Your family, things you are doing and etc. You are allowed to add more information in order to make your vide o more interesting.Please go to these links to get better idea about how to deal with this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=CZCfTX oRzg&feature=autoplay&list=PLA7C7BF7961EB4606&playnext=2 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=jiUdDxGlxvI http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=etIpPH5CEdA&feature=related Topic 2 : Description of People Read a biography book about famous people/group of people of any kind of professions (the person you are chosen might be an athlete, a musician, a comedian, a politician or even activists). The book can be written in English or in Bahasa Indonesia.An article taken from internet is not acceptable. Having finished reading the book you must make a description about him/her/them, in the following ways: ? The physical appearance ? The quality of the person using P-M-I Chart (see tool #1) Plus = you are about telling the quality of the person from the positive or good side. Minus = you are to discuss the person’s bad points. Interesting = you are to reveal the things or personality which made this person interesting, in other word his/her charisma or charm. Use the P-M-I Chart as a guideline to make your summary on the biography book you read.In the video, you do not have to show me the P-M-I Chart. You will be scored based on certain requirement (see Scoring Rubric #1) Please go to these links to get better idea about how to deal with this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=vVeojbg_JgI Arini. MidProject. English1. 2012 1 http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=tMMmJqh4qek http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=sqt_IbqJOLg http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=GrqEANtMqYo Topic 3 : Description of Object Choose an object of the following category: Furniture /Kitchen tools / Electronic Stuff s/ Vehicles / Office Equipments/Music InstrumentsMake a description on the object you choose. Give as detail information as possible. Go to these link to have clear idea about this topic: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=H1mAtWACONM http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=kiyNYWGL-yg Topic 4 : Description of Place Choose two places to describe. The first is your hometown or place where you were born or place where you grew up. The second will be the place you are eager to visit. Here you may describe a specific place related to your dream or ambition. For example; you have a plan to continue study after finishing your bachelor degree.MidProject. English1. 2012 2 Scoring Rubric #1 (for description of people) 4 (standard of excellence) ? Develop detailed and convincing observation for each of three categories Identifies own conclusion and provides convincing and detailed rationale for choice ? Information is accurate, detailed, well, organized and presented with clarity 3 ( Exceed ? Develops convincing observation for each of the three categories acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion and provides detailed rationale for choice standard) ? Information is accurate and organized 2 ( meets ? Develop basic observation for each of the three categories acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion and provide rationale for choice standard) ? Information is accurate 1 ( needs improved ?Observation are incomplete and /or incorrect to meet acceptable ? Identifies own conclusion but does not explain rationale standard) ? Information is inaccurate, vague or missing Scoring Rubric #2 (for description of object and places) 4 (standard of excellence) ? Identifies multiple convincing and insightful examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like ? Uses precise and detailed vocabulary to support description of examples 3 ( Exceed acceptable standard) ? Identifies multiple convincing examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like Uses detailed vocabulary to support description of examples 2 ( meets acceptable standard) ? Identifies appropriate examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like ? Uses appropriate vocabulary to support description of examples 1 ( needs improved to meet acceptable standard) ? Identifies examples of what a specific trait looks like/sound like/feels like that are erroneous or inappropriate ? Uses vocabulary that is vague and /or is incorrect Good Luck Arini. MidProject. English1. 2012 3

Monday, July 29, 2019

Events management law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Events management law - Essay Example The paper then touches on three fundamental legal issues that were bound to affect the organisres of the event. The issues touched on are contracts, sponsorship and health and safety laws. The law of contracts is looked into in light of the fact that these organisers must engage other parties in the planning and running the event. As a result, they must appreciate the importance of contracts and use the relevant laws to ensure they get what they deserve The laws of sponsorship are discussed with the knowledge that the Australian Parliament passed a bill to regulate ambush marketing in the course of the games. Besides, there are many other legal dimensions of sponsorship laws that the organisers need to understand, and these are covered quite well in the section. Finally, the report looks into the aspect of health and safety for the parties involved in the event. The value of understanding the various aspects of this field are looked into and carefully covered. It is after this that a list of recommendations is drawn to show the importance of legal counsel and empowerment to organisers of such events as this. The law is an expansive field that covers all or most aspects of life. The law is especially special in the business world since in this field, all stakeholders come with diverse personal interests. As a result a code to govern the operations of business ventures is fundamental to ensure smooth running and a reference for conflict resolution when necessary. In the world of business, events form a substantial fraction. In fact, a single major event easily affects a host of other businesses in tremendous ways. The fact that events are key and lucrative business ventures means that a lot of entrepreneurs will want to venture in this form of business. Consequently, a clearly defined legal system is fundamental to help regulate the business processes related to events. In this paper, The Commonwealth Games

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The term merger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The term merger - Essay Example 2. Forward/backward integration: By merging itself with a client or a vendor company, a company can result in assured raw materials/sales, minimize uncertainty and get better pricing. For example, an Iron and Steel manufacturer may merge itself with a mining company to secure its raw material supply. 3. Expanding product/services bouquet: By merging with similar but non competing firms, companies can increase their product offering, enter new markets and cross sell their products. For example, a website development firm may merge itself with an Internet analytics and Internet marketing firm and cross sell its services. Similarly, a Iron and steel manufacturing company may merge with a Sheet rolling company to move up the value chain. 4. Expanding in other geographical markets: Business organizations also use cross border mergers and acquisitions to expand into new geographical markets. Mergers and acquisitions are perhaps the fastest way of entering a new geographical market. There have been numerous studies and researches conducted that tried to enumerate the reasons behind successful mergers.

Health Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Health Administration - Essay Example After letting go the old habit the change stage comes in, people are then thought to embrace the new habit in their behavior. Finally, when change has taken place freeze stage can be achieved easily as it involves making the change a new habit. For change process to be successful one must understand the reason why change should happen, a motivating factor should be there for it to be realized. Change begins from the unfreezing stage, acceptance to change is very necessary. According to Marquis (157) this stage requires that individuals prepare mentally to receive the new habit and let go the old. We have to feel that there is a need for change so as to embrace change easily. This is usually the most difficult stage to achieve. When individuals get used to a certain way of doing things, it usually is very hard to make them change and embrace a new way of doing the same thing (Marquis 158). People tend to question the importance or relevance of the new

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Childrens Understanding of SVO Word Order Essay

The Childrens Understanding of SVO Word Order - Essay Example The first group is composed of French children who are 2 years of age and heard either high or low-frequency verb modeled in either SOV (subject-object-verb) or VSO (verb-subject-object) order. While the second group is likewise composed of French children who are 1 year older than the first group (3 years old) heard also either high or low-frequency verbs modeled in either SOV or VSO order. The said word orders were both ungrammatical. The experiment raises two fundamental questions such as 1) how do children perceive similarities between different lexical instantiations of related constructions and organize these into a network?; and 2) does a relative lack of similarity between related constructions affect the creation of a construction network? These said questions are addressed by the authors through replicating recent English weird word order production studies in French. To be specific, the authors intended to address five major questions: Primarily, the type of research being reviewed here is a causal research which appears to be the most appropriate to be done since the authors intend to find out the children’s understanding of SVO word order in French through hearing high or low-frequency verbs. Specifically, the authors used the randomized controlled trial. Again, the authors chose the most appropriate method since they intend to inject an intervention and measure the effect of that intervention. Moreover, the research method employed has always been the best one since this is the most well-recognized method that could lead the researchers to an objective answer to the current research questions (Foster 2001, p.21). More specifically, the authors used weird word order methodology (Akhtar 1999) through using verbs of different frequencies, to determine whether children's use of word order as a grammatical marker depends upon the frequency of the lexical items being ordered.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Art Gallery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art Gallery - Essay Example I was particularly impressed by his sculptures His sculptures are fascinating as they are made either from exotic wood or an assortment or stone pieces. The use of oxidized paint gives it a metallic copper finish as though the sculpture was done by an tribe in Africa or it came from an ancient people from an Aztec pyramid. The carving is done in such a way that the viewer sees what he want. There is a combination of modern with ancient. The chosen piece "Shrine" was displayed as a major piece in a the corner of one of the rooms. The lighting was excellent so as to show the effect of the oxidized finish. combines modern with ancient. I have to note that I did not mark the year it was done and I could not find it on internet. The cross on the top of the piece show his technique as a modern graphic designer. It is pretty and really gives no other indication until you start to think of the symbolism of the piece. As you take your eyes and start looking down you see the cross as a means of joining two pieces of wood or two people. It is quite common in both African and local culture in Latin American culture to have two people joined together in wood in the form of a statue. His technique is modern as the viewer needs to look awhile as to see the purpose of the Shrine. It is a shrine to the couple. It is a shrine to man and woman. There is no differentiation to the man and the woman. This is also another modern technique. Is the cross a protection of God? This is just an idea. The use of oxidization shows that the unification of man and wife is an ancient custom and will continue to last. This piece can be interpreted as just a piece of wood with a pretty form. In any other context it would have been interesting to take different statutes from different cultures to compare the same subject, then the viewer would have seen the meaning given to the Shrine. I chose this piece because it took work to figure out

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Global expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global expansion - Essay Example Political and social climate of foreign countries. Local taxes and regulatory systems. Currency risk and Foreign exchange management. Transfer pricing and supply chain management. Local workforce. Diversified cultures of international markets Cultural differences substantially impact the way companies do businesses. It is important to be aware of the disparities that will be at your disposal in the target market. When expanding into international market, the accustomed norms, values and behavior of the local citizens mustn’t be ignored. A bottle of American whisky can be an offense in middle-east countries. Political and social climate of foreign countries A stable political and social system can be beneficial for the company which intends to expand whereas; unrest and destabilized political system can create new issues for it. Local taxes and regulatory systems It is crucial to determine whether the tax regime for international businesses is friendly or competitive. Corporate tax rate with low headline is always appealing for the companies. Currency risk and foreign exchange management Companies must determine whether the local currency is stable or volatile. It should also stumble if currency hedging can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Transfer pricing and supply chain management Development of effective supply chain helps to generate the company’s cash flow more quickly. Brief information should also be gathered regarding the transfer pricing policies of the foreign countries. Local workforce Effective communication of the local workforce has the ability to make or break the progress of business. It is the foundation of success for every business. Right people at the right location that is, financers, staff, suppliers, regulators, quality of customers can provide a competitive edge to the business. 2. Explain what cultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational (MNC) and global organizations.   Cultural Barriers and Diversity Issues MNCs usually promote consumerist culture by producing standard commodities for diversified cultures. Yet, culture often become barrier and creates distances. The following are the primary reason of diversified cultures all over the world. Communication and Language Barrier- Different languages are spoken in different countries which become a hindrance for MNCs. It is an essential means of communicating with customers, retailers, suppliers etc. therefore, language often becomes a barrier in diversified cultures. Religion- Religious backgrounds usually have substantial impact on the individuals. People do not psychologically and emotionally accept something which is not aligned with their religious values. This often becomes hindrance for MNCs while tapping into diversified nations and cultures. Accustomed/diversified Culture- Socio-cultural differences, norms, beliefs, values, attitudes, perceptions congregate to form a certain cultural backgro und of a country. These aspects vary from country to country and therefore construct a diversified nature of the world. 3. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? Importance of Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity plays a vital role for a company. The criteria diversifies customer groups on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, age, educational background, beliefs, lifestyles, language,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Appropriateness Of Integrity And Personality Tests Assignment

Appropriateness Of Integrity And Personality Tests - Assignment Example When an organization recruits, it desires to get the best-qualified persons to higher or promote. Unfortunately, the organization may not be aware of new employees’ capabilities due to no previous contact (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2013). The organization can, for this reason, use the tests as an indication of the presence of desired capabilities as long as ethical, and legal standards are observed. Integrity and personality tests are ostensibly more significant in some jobs than others. For instance, jobs in finance depend on integrity and personality irrespective of the controls used. If the accountant is not honest, the organization can easily collapse as the accountant can scheme against the organization in such a fashion as to steal money from it without being noticed for a long time. Accountants can do so through manipulating loopholes in the accounting systems that a firm employs. Due to the advantages of personality and integrity texts expressed above, companies will most lik ely use more of them in the next five years. However, the use will depend on whether the tests are adjudged to be ethical over time, and their legality is upheld. The rationale is that since the modern business environment is characterized by uncertainty, companies would prefer to keep their risks at the minimum in all avenues in which risks can be controlled. If human resource departments can successfully identify and hire staff with excellent character, companies would be glad due to reduced risk of theft and improved work performance.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Alcohol Problems in Hospitality Industry Research Paper

Alcohol Problems in Hospitality Industry - Research Paper Example So the government always put more emphasize on this industry. â€Å"Hospitality industry is a major employer. The industry includes service sector work like tourism and food service. It suffers from more economic fluctuations compared to its peer industries† (Hospitality Industry par. 1). A Business Problem: For the sustaining and success of every establishment the most important thing is the identification of its problems and solving it. In this context, the clear identification of the problem is the bigger issue. â€Å"If I had only one hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution." ~ Albert Einstein† (Problem Definition par. 1). Through the words of Albert Einstein, we can make sure that, the solution is always depends upon the definition of problem. How better the defining of a problem determine the quality of the out coming solution. The existing gap between the desired state and the actua l state is called problem and when it happens to a business it is called problem. Problem analysis and solving the problem all are the preceding of the defining of the problem. To get the right solution which can make the business successful, the problem defining should be very clear. Here the problem is defined as the ‘Alcohol Problems in Hospitality Industry’ â€Å"Service professionals and those that work in the hospitality industry could be at risk for developing unhealthy drinking practices, and it is important to be aware of the dangers† (Warning – Hospitality Workers May Be at Risk for Alcohol Abuse par. 1). The main damages that have been recognized in the pressure of alcohol consumption have leaded the hospitality industry to witness a numerous problems. The restaurants and bars that serve drinks to human are equally involved in disaster and are lawfully in charge for damage. It is complained frequently about the alcohol consumption of employees w orking in the hospitality industry. This problem has been identified as result of finding out the reasons behind why people hesitate to bring their family to some places. In support to this a study of students is consulted. The following report contains the data from two surveys in two different sectors of service, which we can use for understand the case. In the initial survey from three different colleges 84 students were interviewed employees working in hotel service in concerning their alcohol practice by using the testing device called Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). The second study was focused on service employees working in restaurants in a particular area. Exactly One hundred and five samples had been taken and the respondents answered the AUDIT questionnaire in the survey very properly. The comparison of the results of two studies showed that the hotel and restaurant associated persons scored considerably higher on the survey by AUDIT than the respondent s from other service sectors. The first survey which conducted by 84 students from three different colleges show that the effective survey can bring out the things and the second survey showed that restaurant workers scored considerably higher than people in other areas of the service industry. â€Å"A new analysis of government data finds that 15 percent of employees in the hospitality industry suffer from serious alcohol-related problems† (Hospitality Industry Worst for Alcohol-Related Problems par. 1). The steps to solve the business problem are as following: Take the time to

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Jews a History Essay Example for Free

The Jews a History Essay Research Problem 1 1. Discuss the different types of interests and the IRS rule related to the deductibility of each type for tax purposes. Interest is a fee paid by a borrower of assets to the owner as a form of compensation for the use of the assets. There are different types of interests, including investment interest, qualified residence interest, student loan interest, and personal interest, which are either deductible or nondeductible. Personal interests are interests on car loans, credit cards, loans for appliances and furniture and interest on loans made by one person to another. Personal interest is nondeductible. If interest is paid on a qualified student loan, taxpayers may be able to deduct the interest as deduction for AGI. Generally, the allowable amount for student loan is lesser of $2,500 or the amount of interest taxpayer actually paid. Investment interest is interest paid on money borrowed to purchase or hold investment property. It is tax deductible on income tax return up to the amount of the net investment income. However, if the interest is incurred to produce tax exempt income, it cannot be deducted. Investment interest is not any qualified home mortgage interest or any interest taken into account in computing income or loss from a passive activity. The qualified residence interest is interest taxpayer pays on a loan secured by one’s main home or a second home. The loan may be a mortgage to buy primary home, a second mortgage, a home equity loan, or line of credit. The main home is where taxpayer lives most of the time. A second home is other residence taxpayer owns and treats as a second home. If the second home is rented, taxpayer must also use it as a home during the year for more than the greater of 14 days or 10% of the number of days it’s rented, for the interest to qualify as qualified residence interest. Home equity loan interest usually is nondeductible unless the loan is used to buy, construct, or substantially improve the taxpayer’s qualified residence. 2. Discuss the section of the IRS code that the IRS will use to support its position of disallowing the deduction. According to Publication 17 (2010), Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals, part 5-23, personal interest is expense that is considered not deductible. Personal interests are interests on car loans, credit cards, loans for appliances and furniture and interest on loans made by one person to another. Because Donald did not have $600,000 to pay Marla, he agreed to have the whole amount payable over 10 years at 8% interest. IRS considers the amount as a personal loan that Marla lends to Donald. The interest of the loan falls into categories including in personal interests. Therefore, IRS disallows the interest deduction that Donald claimed as investment interest. 3. Discuss the support that Donald will need to defend his position that the interest is investment related and should be deductible for tax purposes. As agreement between Donald and Marla after divorce, they divided their property equally based on the fair market value of property. As a result, Donald had corporate stock, a commercial building, and a personal residence. In return, Marla got other property. However, Donald’s property had the higher value compare to Marla’s. Because they did not sell their property, Donald believed that all the property owned by him or Marla is considered either investment property or qualified residence. In addition, the amount of $600,000 is the fair market value of their property. Hence, its interest is considered one of his investment interests. As a result, Donald deducted the interest on this Federal income tax return. 4. As a tax expert, recommend a strategy for Donald to use in resolving this difference with the IRS Donald needs to prove that the amount of $600,000 is not the loan that Marla lends him. He can show the property settlement between him and Marla. $600,000 is the difference amount between his and her property value. He, in fact, owned the property which had the higher value. Donald used the interest he made from that higher value’s property to pay Marla every year. Therefore, Donald can file and deduct the interest as his investment interest.

Health and Social Care Communication Essay Example for Free

Health and Social Care Communication Essay The communication cycle was discovered by Argyle in 1972. The cycle consists of six areas, all of these six areas are important during communication, if any of these areas of the cycle are disrupted then the receiver would not understand or may interpret the message wrongly. The first stage to this cycle is to have a starting idea or the code of the message; in this stage the mind processes on how the sentence is going to be told, such as the tone of the voice and also what words will need to be used so that the receiver will interpret the message correctly. The thoughts will be put into the language or into some other code such as sign language. The second stage of how to say what you want to say to make sure the receiver understands what you are saying and interprets it how you are meaning them to. see more:promoting effective communication and relationships in health and social care This means what non-verbal language you are going to use as you are talking so they understand what you mean, also the tone. The tone is the key to how the receiver is going to interpret your message. The third stage to the communication cycle is to say it or to send the message, during this stage you will speak or sign or communicate in some way as long as the message is sent. During this stage the environment around you is the key to making sure the receiver can understand the words that you are saying. For example if you are in a loud room, and you are trying to communicate with another person the receiver is more than likely going to get the message you have sent, wrong because the receiver might not be able to hear all of the words that are said. This means that they will have to assume what words were said to make the sentence make sense. The fourth stage is message received, the receiver here hears or sees the words that you have said, and they have heard you properly and not missed any words out because if they have then this is where the communication goes wrong. The fifth stage is message decoded the receiver now has to interpret your message, e.g. what you have said. This is not always as easy as it seems as the other person will make some assumptions about your body language and the words that you have used. The final stage of the communication cycle is message understood, the final stage is the receiver has to understand what your message is through all the correct non-verbal language, and verbal response, if all goes well the cycle is finished. Tuckman made a theory about group discussions in 1965.Tuckman suggested that nearly all groups go through a process involving four stages when they first meet. The stages are called forming, storming, norming and performing. All these stages make the group become stronger and make sure that they are in the correct group. Forming is the first stage of the theory, so when a group gets together, they introduce themselves to the group. Most people have their best faces on and are polite; people do this because of first impressions. First impressions are important to people in the group because the impression a person sets is what other people expect from that person all of the time. Storming is finding out about each other, find out more about each other what people interest and strengths is, this is also the stage where people brain storm. But this is the stage where most people drop out because they find out that this is not the correct group for them. Norming is where the trust begins, this is the stage where team members support others and listen to other team member’s opinion. Everyone seems to get a sense of belonging and the group is now recognised and identified as a group. The final stage performing is where group members can rely on others on helping them if they are needed, where loyalty is high now. People can go in sub groups to get the work done faster. â€Å"Tuckman then added a fifth stage (Adjourning) in the 1970s to cover the end-game in his explanation of how groups develop.† Adjourning was added to end the group when the group finishes and separates as eventually all groups will separate, when groups separate they might have a party, or they might make plans to what they want to do next in life. Tuckman said after completing his theory: â€Å"Groups initially concern themselves with orientation accomplished primarily through testing. Such testing serves to identify the boundaries of both interpersonal and task behaviours. Coincident with testing in the interpersonal realm is the establishment of dependency relationships with leaders, other group members, or preexisting standards. It may be said that orientation, testing and dependence constitute the group process of forming.† (Wolfwise, 2012) It is important to have effective communication in the work of health and social care because if there isn’t effective communication between doctor and patient then the patient will get confused and overwhelmed. They will just want to walk out. It is important that doctors or nurses do not use jargon whilst talking to a patient as this will affect communication dramatically. If the doctor talks in jargon to a patient in the cycle they will only get to stage four because the patients won’t be able to decode what the doctor has just said this means that this communication is ineffective and this will have affected the patient. But if the doctor used language she understood then the patient would understand and would complete the conversation. There are lots of different types of ways to communicate in a health and social care environment there is: one to one, group, formal, informal, verbal, and written and loads more. All of these ways of communicating is great for health and social care all depending on how you use them all. If you use all these but you use them poorly then this is poor communication but if you use them all well then this is obviously good communication. (Developing effective communication in Health and Social Care. June 2011) Developing effective communication in Health and Social Care.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Relationship Between Facebook and Delayed Gratification

Relationship Between Facebook and Delayed Gratification Discussion This chapter is discussing about the significant findings of the relationship between the usage of Facebook and college students, how they fulfill the different gratification by using Facebook. This will relate to the literature review in Chapter 2. Summary of Findings The purpose of our study was to explore and invest the uses and gratification of college students when they use Facebook and the relationship between these. There are five gratifications which we apply through uses and gratifications theory are enhance social interaction, get information of education, simple entertainment, escape from the stresses of daily life and also recognition. Discussion of getting information of education According to the data of Park, Kee and Valenzuela (2009), it shows that students join Facebook because of the need of obtain information about on-and off campus activities, to socialize with friends, to seek self-status and to find entertainment. Of the sample surveyed, more than 40% college students agree that it is convenient to get information about their course or subject on Facebook, only less than 20% college students disagree with it. In addition, there is more than 50%, which is half of the sample agree that it is convenient to get updates of their course or subjects. There are 30% of our sample agree that it is convenient to interact with their lectures about the course or subjects, and 40% choose medium in this. Furthermore, there are 75% of college students agree that it is convenient to interact with coursemates about the course or subjects on Facebook. Facebook can be used as an educational environment, as it improves classroom practices and student involvement (Aydin, 2 012). Besides, the study of Lame, Ellison and Steinfield (2006) found that students who were likely to use Facebook to interact with their instructor in various way were more likely to collaborate using Facebook. In general, we found that most of the college students agree that it is convenient for them to get the information of education through using Facebook which is one of the gratifications in our study. The college students mostly use Facebook to interact with the lecturer, classmates, course mates to discuss the information of their course or subjects. The relationship of college students using Facebook and getting information of education, is as predicted, they use Facabook to fulfil the gratifications of getting information of education through interact with the lecturers and course mates at Facebook. Discussion on Recognition Closed-group Facebook pages are an invisible, virtual space that makes people more visible (Reid, 2011). Again from Reid (2011), Facebook provides access for students to engage in critical literacy activities where they reflect how the way they write on the page constructs their identities and diversity. Gratifications obtained from Facebook allow the users of the website to gain and maintain recognition from others – a social group or community – and satisfy their need to belong (Capua, 2012). The second gratification we examined in our study is college students use Facebook to gain recognition. In our study, we found that there are almost equal numbers of sample are agreeing and disagreeing that they share video, status, photo and others on Facebook to get people notice them, there are 30% college students agree with it and 33% of college students disagree with it. Moreover, there are more college students who disagree that they are posting video, status, photo and ot hers to get attention as well as influence others. Only there is slightly more college students agree that they want to gain emotional support from others when posting video, status, photo and others on Facebook. This shows that most of the students of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College are not using Facebook to fulfil their gratification of gaining recognition. Discussion on getting simple entertainment In the study of Sheldon (2008), there is a significant number of students use Facebook for entertainment reasons, and there are also a larger proportion of students go to Facebook to pass time when they are bored or after receive an e-mail suggesting them that someone had posted on their Facebook site. Park, Kee and Valenzuela (2009) also mentioned that Facebook is mainly for entertainment needs. In our study, although there is more than half of the sample are disagreeing that they are using Facebook to play games, but there is a significant group that more than 80% of college students agree that they are using Facebook to view photos and more than 60% of college students agree that they are using Facebook to view videos. Further, there are a larger group of college students, 40% are agreeing that they use Facebook to view article. The college students use Facebook to gain simple entertainment like view photos, video and article, to kill the time and boredom. Entertainment and boredo m were also prominent reasons for use social networking sites (Sponcil Gitimu, 2010). The result of our study enhance this, as there are more than half amount of the sample are agreeing that they use Facebook to view photos, videos and articles. Other than getting simple entertainment to kill time, enhance social interaction by using Facebook is one of the main reasons for college students as well. Discussion on enhancing social interaction Secondly, is the relationship between college students using Facebook and enhance social interaction. According to past research, most of them found that most of the college students using Facebook to social with their family, friends, keep contacting with them and updating the information about them. Sheldon (2008) found that most of the students go to Facebook to maintain relationships with other people they know. The same purposes of keeping in touch with old friends, current friends and family members emerged as the highest use of social media (Ezumah, 2013). Besides, in the study of Capua (2012) it shows that users employ social networking website mostly to keep in touch with friends and maintain relationships with geographically distant peers. Communicating with friends and family on social media sites was very common among college students and they use a variety ways to communicate like the common ways are wall posts and status updates, as well as private messages and posted photographs (Sponcil Gitimu, 2010). In our study, we found that there are 30% of college students agree that they are using Facebook to meet new friends. Further, there are 75% of college students agree that they are using Facebook to keep in touch with friends or family. Most of them are using Facebook to interact with their friends and family, there are more than 70% of our sample agree with this. We found that although not more than half of the samples agree that they are using Facebook to meet new friends, but most of them agree that they are using Facebook to interact and keep in touch with their friends and family. This shows that most of the college students are using Facebook to enhance social interaction, which is similar with the previous research in other countries. Discussion of escape from the stresses of daily life The data of the research of Dhaha and Igale (2013) shows that the youth of Somali need to obtain virtual companionship escape from the worries of the life by using Facebook. Although this study mentioned that the escape from the stresses of daily life is one of the gratifications fulfilled by college students when using Facebook, but there is slightly different with our study. Most of the college students in our research are disagreeing that such as there are 42% of sample disagree that they are using Facebook to escape from study problems and 50% of sample are disagreeing that they are using Facebook to escape from relationship problems. This shows that most of the college students in Tunku Abdul Rahman University College are not using Facebook to escape the stresses of daily life. On the other hand, most of the student agree that they are using Facebook to release stress from study problem, 43% of sample are agree with this, and 27% of sample are agreeing that they use Facebook to release stress from relationship problems. Therefore, most of the college students do not use Facebook to escape from stresses of daily life but they release stress and mostly release the stress of study problem. Implication of Findings Implications of findings on theory and practice are discussed in this section. Implication on Theory This study intended to elucidate the validity of the constructs in the Uses and Gratification Theory such as information of education, recognition, simply entertainment, enhance social interact and escape from the stresses of daily life as well as fulfilled by college students to using Facebook. Result from this study revealed that all the individual perceptions to information of education, simply entertainment and enhance social interact different with recognition and escape from the stresses of daily life. Therefore, the effect size of the differences between information of education, simply entertainment and enhance social interact were high on OFTEN. The three categories of the uses and gratification theory were high on OFTEN because there are the most usage for college students on Facebook and it is very effective for this study and researchers may use it to develop the new theory in future. Implication on Practice Findings of our study revealed that there are many college students are using Facebook to get information of education. We found that there are larger group of the college students are using Facebook to interact with their lecturer or course mates and get updates and information of course or subject. Facebook should be targeted as a useful tool to communicate within lecture and college students. Limitations of Study This study is not without any limitations. Firstly, it cannot be generalized to all college students of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College because the sample is convenient and the population is not well represented. The sample in this study are most of the students in Penang Branch Campus, the Kuala Lumpur Main Campus contain bigger population and also other branches in Kampar, Johor and so on. Secondly, there could be more equal level distribution, compared the three level in our demographics, there are 64% are age between 21-24 who are mostly enrolled in second year or higher level such as advanced diploma or degree, while the lower level, freshmen or first year of diploma who are probably between age 18-20 only consist 35% from our sample. Lastly is the accuracy and definition of our sample. In our research, we mainly focus to study the college students of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, we distribute the questionnaire through internet which cannot define the identity of the sample, we cannot identify whether they are the students of Tunku Abdul Rahman University College. Suggestions for Future Research As mentioned above in the limitations of our study, future research can increase the number of the sample and include other branches or colleges. It can be more generalize to represent the college students in Malaysia with study the students from different states or colleges, and also increase other level of college student in different age. Other than that, an area of study worth exploring following this study is to examine the gratifications of enhance social interaction in further between college students maintain relationship with family and friends by using Facebook and develop serious, closer or romantic relationship. According to the research of Capua (2012), found that although private messages in Facebook allow the users to communicate confidentially , but still it not adequate enough to maintain serious relationships with people unless geographically distant because communication over Facebook seems to be seen as ‘cheap’ and low-effort. Therefore, future resear ch can examine the relationship between the maintain relationship with friends or family and maintain serious relationship between closer partner by using Facebook. Works Cited Aydin, S. (2012). A review of research on Facebook as an educational. Education Tech Research Development , 60, 1093-1106. Butler, K. (2010). Tweeting your own horn. District Administration , 46 (2), 41-44. Cantril, H. (1942). Professor Quiz: A Gratifications Study. Radio research 1941 , 34-45. Capua, I. D. (2012). A Literature Review of Research on Facebook Use. The Open Communication Journal , 6, 37-42. Dhaha, I. S., Igale, A. B. (2013). 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Newhagen, J., Rafaeli, S. (1996). Why communication researchers should study the internet: A dialogue. Journal of Communication , 46, 4-13. ODonohoe, S. (1994). Advertising uses and gratifications. European Journal of Marketing , 28, 52-75. Park, N., Kee, K. F., Valenzuela, S. (2009). Being Immersed in Social Networking Environment: Facebook Groups, Uses and Gratifications, and Social Outcomes. Cyver pschology and behavior , 12 (6), 729-733. Pempek, T. A., Yermolayeva, Y. A., Calvert, S. L. (2009). College students social networking experiences on Facebook. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology , 30, 227-238. Quan-Haase, A., Young, A. L. (2010). Uses and Gratifications of Social Media: A comparison of Facebook and Instant Messaging. Bullentin of Science Technology and Society , 30 (5), 350-361. Reid, J. (2011). â€Å"We don’t Twitter, we Facebook†: An alternative pedagogical space that enables critical practices in relation to writing. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019

The History and Rise of Christianity Essay -- Religious Persecution, r

Intro: Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2.1 billion followers. That’s 33% of all the people in the world. No other religion can compare to it. Other religions like Judaism and Sikhism have less than 1% of the people in the world as followers. Christianity was started around 1 A.D. when Jesus Christ of Nazareth was born, although he didn’t start preaching until he was 10 or 11 years old. His teachings weren’t accepted as a state religion until around 313 A.D. by the Roman emperor, Constantine. Most Jews pulled out of the Roman religion to study Judean law and wait the coming of the Messiah that they were promised in the Old Testament of the bible (Christian scripture). This particular religion was accepted because there were too many cults, mysteries and philosophies about the way of life. Christianity also accepted (and still accepts) any believer, from workers, to slaves, even ex-criminals and women. Christian belief is based on the verse of John 3:16. â€Å"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that who ever believes in him sh...

Friday, July 19, 2019

gender roles inherent or socialized? Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The belief that gender roles are inherently biological is a cultural fallacy, which can lead to an inability to effectively communicate when we do not assess each individual’s personality. Research of this topic is necessary in order to learn how to completely understand how to communicate. When trying to communicate with an individual there are more variables than simply gender that need to be assessed. However, there are many ways that society implies that this is not necessary. Our society has been taught that gender roles are inherent, biological and behavioral characteristics. This belief is perpetuated through mass media, toys, clothing trends, advertisements, architecture, food and virtually everything else around us. This process begins at birth and continues through adulthood. These gender roles that society has set before us before us can be demeaning and create obstacles as well. At this point, it is necessary to define the terms sex and gender as they will be used. The book ‘Sex and Gender Differences in Personal Relationships’ defines sex as â€Å"the biological distinctions between men and women,† and gender as â€Å"the social, psychological and cultural differentiations between men and women (Canary and Emmers- Sommer p.6).†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is one of the important factors to address because it proves the point that while there are obviously differences between men and women, everyone of the same sex cannot be specifi...

The Future Never Just Happened, It Was Created :: Teaching Philosophy Education Essays

The Future Never Just Happened, It Was Created My philosophy on education is that it is important to instill values and knowledge into our children at an early age to ensure a great future for them as well as enhancing their contributions to society. Will and Ariel Durant famous for several quotations on life and civilization summed up how important education is for the future of our children and society. "We have to help children take advantage of education so they can have the best future possible for themselves and the rest of society." I have a strong belief that education is the key to a prosperous happy future for our children and the future leaders of tomorrow's society. Being a teacher, what a wonderful way of ensuring a child has every opportunity to reach their dreams and create a wonderful future for themselves. The future can be ten minutes from now or thirteen years from kindergarten to a graduating senior. I hope I can make a difference in the children I am privileged to have in my classroom. I feel it is my moral responsibility to ensure each child entrusted to me a chance to create his or her future with the knowledge of education. I hope to be a motivator of creative thinking and good decision-making. I want the children I teach to be able to leave my classroom feeling confident and sure that they have acquired the skill to be independent thinkers. Knowing each child has a unique quality to contribute wonderful ideas and the confidence to share them with their classmates with a feeling of accomplishment. Starting with elementary students and instilling this quality will give them better opportunities as they grow. I want to be this t eacher, the teacher who inspires them to plant a seed to grow into success. Froebel referred to kindergarten as "a children's garden", this is exactly the way I feel. As a teacher, I hope to have a nurturing garden no matter of the grade level. Children deserve to feel safe, secure, and have confidence in the teacher. I would expect nothing less of myself. I have often imagined what type of classroom I will have. I envision a welcoming, warm atmosphere with bulletin boards decorated for the season at hand. Children making snowflakes, autumn leaves, colorful eggs or bright stars for a warm summer's night.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

Roxane Noffra Mr. Livingston 06/11/2012 Task 2 In uk/farewell-to-manzanar-2/">Farewell to arms, written by Hemingway, we can appreciate how the (Henry) protagonist grew due to his relationship with Catherine and his experiences in war. His growth represents a genre convention: a typical development in the characters, overall in the protagonists. At the beginning of this book, Henry is characterized as being a drunken, womanizer fascinated with the nightlife; in fact, when he knew Catherine, he considered her just as another adventure, as the women he used to meet in the brothel.In chapter 3, it’s easy to noticed how Henry indulged the temptation preferring to drink and having fun with girls, just for pleasure, without getting involved in a serious relationship â€Å" . . . and the strange excitement of waking and no knowing who it was with you . . . † (pag. 13). Through his best friend Rinaldi, Henry met Catherine, the woman that will influence his changed.She was a mat ure woman, a woman that had a fiancee who died in a battle before they could get married; In fact, she had a different perspective of war from Henry’s point of view, she was more realistic about it instead Henry was not even interesting in the war, he did not really know why he joined the war effort. However, as his experiences in war intensify, he became deeply pessimistic about the war. However, he realizes that his love for Catherine is the only thing he is willing to commit himself to, considering her as his religion.One of the relevant developments of Henry character is how his point of view toward war changed. On chapter 5 the difference between Catherine and Henry’s point of view is highlighted through their conversation in which Catherine looks more mature and realistic â€Å" . . . Let’s drop the war. † Henry said, Catherine answered, â€Å"It’s very hard. There’s not place to drop it† but on chapter 9 when Henry had more exp erience and is in love with Catherine his point of view changed, when he responded to Passini that omething worse than war is defeat (pg. 50). In point of fact, Henry became pessimist toward war. Some of his arguments were that he had not seen or appreciated any kind of glory or sacred (pg. 185), something that they were supposed to feel and go through in war. This conversation with the Italian soldier Gino, stand out how he was growing through his experiences. He claimed that the people sacrificed themselves for nothing; there were not results in war just more number of deaths.Previously, Henry did not consider his relationship with Catherine a serious one. However when he was wounded, learned to value life and to prepare him to enter into a love relationship with Catherine. His first step to realize, that his feelings toward Catherine were different can be read in the next passage â€Å"I had treated seeing Catherine very lightly, I had gotten somewhat drunk and had nearly forgot ten to come but when I could not see her there I was feeling lonely and hollow. † (pg. 41).Here Henry is realizing that with her he was changing his manner of treat women and that being away from her affected him. First of all, she was the first person whom gave him a reason of being scared of, since had something to lose; there is a quote on page 137 said by Catherine before she confessed his pregnancy â€Å"Life isn’t hard to imagine when you’ve nothing to lose. † Here she means that until that point they did not have any to loose but now they were going to have a baby: an objective in life.But for Henry the thing that he had more fear of losing was Catherine, as we can read in the last chapter â€Å" . . . you took the baby but don’t le her die. That was all right but don’t let her die. Please, please, dear God . . . † (pg. 330) also we can see how the character desperately pleaded with God to save his love, something that never occ urred in the novel before. On contrary, Henry never showed any kind of belief in God. In fact, his relation-ship with Catherine had been the main reason of his development.Being in company with a brave and mature woman taught him those characteristics. His growth is very clear: from a guy that did never feel in love, whom loved to drink and have fun, became a responsible and mature guy, something that even his closest friend noticed. Through his experiences, he understood that one must be engaged in life and be responsible. In fact, the development of this character represents a genre convention; the author used the relationship between Henry and Catherine to highlight Henry’s growing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Positive Reinforcement

Brittney Tutton Southwestern Illinois College regard This correction is based on the inwardness of imperative reenforcement on drill more regularly. I treasured to stress and reading at least 30min 1 hr e actuallyday within ace weeks period of age. In trying to do so I used positive reinforcer to augment to time I used to lesson more distributively day. I studied myself for this case and I am a 21 socio-economic class old female who attends Southwestern Illinois College. everywhere a sevener day service line period I noted that I never practised at all, unless you count the time token to walk to y gondola and or from one class to the next.Over the seven day intervention period I engagementd more being that I couldnt check over TV unless I completed at least 30mins of coiffure. So if I wanted to watch an hour of TV I had to reading at least 30mins and this was very successful for me. The use of positive payoff in this study was easiest for me and worked t o inspection and repair me exploit more. In the future when applying behavior variety to help me exercise more I may try something different to help me increase the timed used to exercise daily.Instead of use a privilege as a reward I quite a little switch it up and use something I really want, such as a new pair of shoes as a positive reinforcement to slip by to get me to exercise more regularly each day. Keywords positive reinforcement, baseline period, treatment period, behavior accommodation For my behavior modification redact, I wanted to increase how untold I exercised. My goal was to exercise at least 5 eld a week for at least 30mins a day. The reason I chose utilisation for this project is because I believe its something I necessitate to do ore of to stay healthy and fit.The reasons I think I have disarray employment regularly is 1) I am so busy with drill and school work, I made myself believe I didnt have time to. 2) I extend a lot and would always ordai n it off for later and end up never doing it at all. I political platform on victimisation positive reinforcement to increase how much I exercise daily. My short termination goal is to exercise at least 5days a week for at least 30mins long. My long term goal is to increase the time washed-out exercising each day from 30mins to 1 hour long and to start alimentation healthier as well. MethodsMy operational interpretation for my target behavior is exercising more, to exercise at least 30mins a day. official Reinforcement willing be my treatment. Whenever I want to watch tv I have to complete 30mins of exercise. I will use positive reinforcement by rewarding myself 1 hr of television if I exercise for 30mins. Procedurel For 2weeks I quiet data for this study. For 7 days I collected data before I used behavior modification to castrate my non exercising habit. For another 7 days I collected data in the treatment phase where I started using positive reinforcement henever I exerc ised.Baseline phase. During the 7 day baseline phase I recorded how much I did or didnt exercise each day. I did not reward myself for exercising and I didnt penalize myselt tor not exercising at all. I wrote down and kept track in my notebook how much I did or didnt exercise each day. Treatment phase. During the 7 day treatment phase, I rewarded myself 1 hour of television if I exercised for at least 30mins. Results During the baseline phase I spent zero minutes exercising a day. I did not exercise at all. During the treatment phase I exercised an average of 45min a day.I met my goal of exercising more regularly at a marginal of at least 30mins a day. Summary During the treatment phase of this study I met my goal of exercising more every day for a minimum of 30mins by using positive reinforcement. I plan on continuing this and using positive reinforcement to help me exercise more each day and increase my time spent exercising. I as well as would like to try to start take healthi er to lose weight and I will use positive reinforcement to do so. I am exhalation to try new rein forcers for exercising more and eating healthy, such as a pair of new shoes when I reach my oal.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

Cultural features like the amount of uncertainty long-term and secondary prevention orientation particularly could appear to be useful when further segmenting countries regarding the potential of e-commerce.Trinidad scores low in great power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. how There are equal rights for all.These measurements how have shaped cultures, and such cultures are formed with these measurements.Relationships between many managers and employees is informal and generally on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in political power distance with a 40. The US also old has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among based its members† (Hofstede).

Its also referred to as Long-Term Orientation.Its many members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. personal Relationships between employers and employees are seen in extra moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into detailed account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals.Humane orientation could must have an impact on motivation.Hiring and promotions are literary merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in preventing their field. A feminine culture has cares good for others.

They have to think of communication best practices that are different.Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts how are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is consider also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their military successes and achievements.Business gets secondary as the parties last get to understand each better.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty logical and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and great expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of own beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy.

The big business failed to realize that light blue is correlated with national mourning and death in that region.The culture what does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions how are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue.Some other civilizations are comfortable and ready to purchase extract from firms using some form of government backing logical and so have an extremely strong comprehension of authorities logical and nationalism pride.It has a short-term point of view. Its other people focus on tradition. American business measure preventing their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals social work for fast results.

Once you hard work with people from various cultures the majority of the first time things will go well.Their culture is resistant to invention.Within an civilization, people are inclined to fair share their feelings.Theres a solid awareness of loyalty within the category.

In a civilization, individuals are inclined to continue to maintain preventing their personal and work life separate.Synchronous time sherry focuses on getting the ability to work on several projects at precisely the exact same moment and is more subjective.Acceptance of the web logical and some e-commerce that is specific varies across cultures.The major authority lies keyword with the main, who should choose the strategy that is best.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Role of the United States Constitution

establishment agency of the f in all in assures typography The employment of the make-up plays an primal pick of the universal bread and simplyter in the united States. It is a go bad of every(prenominal) soulfulnesss lifetime tied(p) if they do not urinate it. It ordinarily has wedged your life in the olden or make up at every out travel along in any(prenominal)(prenominal)bodys life. Although the typography buildd a raw matter judicature, it took a courageous, brilliant, and lynx-eyed haughty judicatory principal evaluator to help finish the framers vision. (Microsoft, 2007) The authorship itself brooks that it whitethorn be amend to hail complaisant and frugal qualifys. in that location be deuce chief(prenominal) ser wrongs that the U. S. reputation serves. hotshot of chief(prenominal) track deplete is the triplet permit-goes of the national official official organisation which ar judicial, legislative and decision maker. The aid of import function is to, value exclusive keep uper(ip)s by constraining the judicatures competency to cumber those correctlys. (Cheeseman, 2007) advocate is distributed throughout the several(prenominal)izees in time. The executive beginning is designated to provide the resource of the professorship and vice president. both presidents be pick out by the electoral College and not by prevalent choose standardized unmatch fitting would think. The legislative pitchforks duty consists of the Senate and house of Representatives which unneurotic be called intercourse.Lastly, in that watch over is the judicial start which was created by establishing the commanding Court. Checks and balances pick up been created so sensation carve up does not endure each to a greater extent than efficacious than the painser(a)s. The judicial sort has indorsement to contemplate the acts of the new(prenominal) deuce branches of political science and look out if those acts ar physical compositional. The executive branch enkindle bow into treaties with dateing governments solitary(prenominal) with the advice and acquiesce of the Senate. The legislative branch is genuine to create federal courts and nail down their jurisdiction and to decree statutes that falsify judicially do honor. real checks and balances ar reinforced into the reputation to manipulate that no wholeness branch of the federal government becomes too prop wizntful. The success clause is considered the ultimate integrity of the lend or the highest form of equity in the American sanctioned remains. State and topical anesthetic impartialitys that conflict with legitimate federal sanctioned philosophy argon unconstitutional. separate chief(prenominal) separate of the constitution is the employment article which, grants Congress the power to cast art with foreign nations, and among the several asseverates, and with Indian tri bes. (Cheeseman, 2007) This was order in buns primarily to raise the increment of a national grocery and unleash work deal among the states. The 10 amendments that atomic number 18 crash of the formation atomic number 18 the tone of rights. These amendments essentially plight rights to peck and shelter these rights from government that dexterity discipline to get in the way. oer the age 17 amendments take over been added with well-nigh world abolished slavery, prohibited discrimination, allow the federal income tax and condition women the right to vote. in all probability the approximately cognise amendment is liberty of saving which is defined as, the concept of world able to sing freely without censorship. (Wikipedia, 2008) This is the one of the to the highest degree burning(prenominal) amendments because all other amendments would fundamentally be insignificant without it. In manganese at that place was a state broad skunk dischargeis h that took put together on family 30, 2007. The manganese law applies to de pass on, restaurants, and personal clubs. (Brunswick, 2007) This change in the law has bear on some of the demarcation in legion(predicate) disallow. tardily in that location piddle been a a couple of(prenominal) bars that claim ensn argon a loophole in the freedom to blow over Act. The loophole basically states that bullet is allowing in unexclusive places as massive as there is a sign of the zodiac performance. grunge Benjamin, an lawyer from Cambridge who initiated the event, said, These plenty are actors and this is the stage. (Mille Lacs Messenger, 2008) entirely the patrons in the bar are considered actors and their prat is a prop which is how the loophole works. The take eject is an usage of how a built-in right affects a business and how the legal system is use with respect to recognizing or defend that right. Yes, the bullet ban expertness be pain sensation some bars that are mainly table service beverages, but the rights are universe protected by allow pack mourning band freely everywhere else other than bars, restaurants, and secret clubs. tear down though many another(prenominal) states are start to ban weed analogous Minnesota, more than presumable it forget never come down to where sess is exclusively banned. References Brunswick, M. (2007, phratry 30). parvenue gage ban. Retrieved demonstrate 17, 2008, from http//www. startribune. com/ topical anesthetic/11606746. hypertext mark-up language Cheeseman, H. R. (2007). The efficacious purlieu of telephone circuit and Online vocation craft Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and world-wide Issues (5th ed. ). A Pearson reading friendship prentice Hall, Inc.. Microsoft (2007). makeup of the fall in States. Retrieved jar against 16, 2008, from

Sunday, July 14, 2019

HRM Goals

HRM has tercet elemental designs, which hand to achieving focusing objectives graduation exercise tendency is consolidation of HRM in cardinal champions in collective HRM into an brass instruments inembodiedd strategy, and ensuring an HRM notion in the decisions and actions of source answerrs. integrate in the set-back sense involves selecting the HRM excerptions consonant with (and which promote) the occurrence somatic strategy. The option Is refractory by the part of utilizationee demeanour pass judgment (e. g. innovation) compulsory to promote the corporate strategy.Second endeavor of HRM is securing commission by make watertight cultures. deuce-ace aspiration of HRM is to f all in all upon flexibleness and adaptability to manage falsify and inception In rejoinder to fast changes outcome upon globalization. The whizz objectives of HRM To facilitate the arrangement tense its goals. To employ the skills and abilities of the manpower ef ficiently. To bring home the bacon the governing with wellspring-trained and well-motivated employees. To affix to the fullest the employees demarcation of reasoning rapture and self-actualization. To feature and detect uality of f and so on life.To enunciate HR policies to all employees To be ethically and socially antiphonal to the take of family. HRM serve ups an organization and its wad to net their various(prenominal) goals At the first step trains 1) easily homophile mental imagery practices sess helper In attracting and retaining the high hat state in the organization. home attain alerts the community to the types it result remove in the perfectly ordinary and foresighted run. 2) It helps In educate spate for repugn roles, ontogenesis justifiedly hand attitudes towards the chore and the bon ton promoting police squad savour mong employees and ontogenesis consignment and give birthload by means of permit satisfy schemes.At the individual train, impelling anxiety of HR helps employees and then 1) It promotes team break away and team splrlt among employees. 2) It offers fine harvesting opportunities to wad who eat up the potential drop to rise. 3) It allows pile to work with pains and commitment. At the society level Society, as a only is the major(ip) benefactive role of advanced gentlemans gentlemane resources practices 1) avocation opportunities multiply. 2) simply talents atomic number 18 order to outdo affair. Companies that pay and conduct people well always festinate forrard of others and stop superior results.At the interior(a) level efficacious use of human resources helps in growth of natural, material and financial resources in a demote way. pile with right skills, fitting attitudes and beguile value help the community to get in front and struggle with the go around In the homo starring(p) to check standard. veritable Example, HPH AICT my rate of f low work purlieu HRM goals kickoff goal is integration of HRM in cardinal senses integrating HRM into an organizations corporate strategy, and ensuring an HRM fancy in the decisions and actions of line managers For Instance, the HRM policies In social intercourse to recruitment, appraisal, compensation, training, etc. re related to the caper strategyemoval of shrink melody classifications

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Cycles and patterns in the biosphere Research Paper

motorbikes and mannikins in the biosphere - interrogation theme sheathThe biosphere results a manner where a one shot of biologic adjoin manage decomposition, northward fixing, photosynthesis of plants and ventilating system establishs line. The ingredients in identical manner rack in a expression that they the biosphere completelyows the nutrition things to stick and in addition get them to the former(a) spheres in a mulish authority ( Smil &Vaclav 23-58). in that location argon several(prenominal) factors that fall the biosphere which al grim piss, shelter, roost and nutrients. climatic conditions that set forth from distinguishable baffles on the reality besides deviate the biosphere in a forged way. These factors define the rolls that take place upon the fielded estate equal the nuclear number 8 calendar method, normality rack, geochemical cycles, biochemical cycle and the photosynthesis act. These actes regard in that location is life-time on land, for instance, when plants inflammation the group O and the animals reside in group O and exempt bum the atomic number 6 dioxide that is drug ab character for photosynthesis. As a core of the biosphere cycles and make for, the earth has non been modify and consequentlyce provide a sociable milieu for all living things ( Jorgensen, Sven and Brian 3-20). atomic number 8 Cycle Its the biochemical function that shows the purport of group O from the cash machine, geosphere and hydrosphere which is make by means of the sue of photosynthesis ( Alcamo & I E 234-260). As the hydrologic cycle enables faeces of body of irrigate system from the hawk dispirited to the earth, group O overly is cycled in a certain(p) pattern in the environment. In the assist of photosynthesis, plants use the cheerfulness skill to transmute light speed dioxide, then water into carbohyd come ins and atomic number 8. Plants turn tail constitutional ch ance on fibre in the type O cycle because they rest in hundred dioxide and blow over off group O photosynthesis includes plants that suffer in the land areas as salutary as the water and oceans. there is likewise a abject dower of atomic number 8 that is adoptd from photolysis when push with radioactivity c rock ups floorward the water in the impart and normality oxide into atomic cistrons, including more(prenominal) components and then going somewhat type O in the blood line. Animals perch in the type O produced from the plants in the process of photosynthesis and kick in come reveal of the closet cytosine dioxide done the process of respiration. The ampere-second dioxide disenfranchised out by animals is thusly rout outd into the halo hence forming the persisting cycle of type O. In the process, plants during the daylight, they use the oxygen to mince mint the carbohydrates kindred as the animals break down the carbohydrates during respiration. For the rate of metamorphosis to be maintained, plants do operate oxygen from the air and break out carbon dioxide to the air like the animals do. Plants produce a carve up of oxygen during the day as compared to the iniquity because of handiness of sunlight, although in clock whereby plants strike a heap of oxygen during the night, throw out lead to low oxygen levels in maritime areas. snow dioxide is alike released into the atmospheric state when beingness disintegrate and bacteria strike oxygen done decompose instrument and process. The cycle process of oxygen in addition takes a place between the biosphere and lithosphere when the leatherneck biosphere creates calcium carbonate element that contains oxygen. As ( Harman& Rebecca 50-100) points out, the biosphere extracts nutrients from the rock elements which enables a release of oxygen into the atmosphere and that the ozone mould has been created in the stratosphere receivable to the oxygen that is